Our Parish
On behalf of our community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you.
Here at St Patrick's we seek to make known the love of God by following Jesus, celebrating the Sacraments and walking together as a family.
We have a variety of groups and ministries. If you wish to be part of any of these groups, please contact the parish office during office hours and you will be placed in contact with the relevant person.
Since you have indicated an interest in joining us here at St Patrick's, I would like, on behalf of Sister Helen Cunningham OP, our Pastoral Associate and myself, to invite you to our regular morning teas which are held in the parish hall on the 1stand 3rd Sunday of the month after the 10:00am Mass.
May the Lord bless you and your family as you make your home in Guildford.
- Fr Peter Blayney, Parish Priest
Fr Peter Blayney Parish Priest

Sister Helen Cunningham OP Pastoral Associate
Parish Planned Giving Program
All families need to budget and set priorities. The same applies for the parish and as good stewards we try to run the parish as effectively as possible relying on the generosity of the parishioners. An envelope Planned Giving Programme exists within the parish. This contributes to the running cost of the parish. If you would like to join the Parish Planned Giving Program please email the Parish Office.
New Parishioner Form
As a new parishioner to our Parish of St Patrick's Guildford we would like to make contact and welcome you to our parish. You can acquire a Welcome Package from our Parish Office, or you can complete this online New Parishioner form and someone from the Parish Team will make contact with you.
Our Parish Priest

Father Peter Blayney
Parish Priest
Peter Blayney was born in Sydney. He grew up in the parish of Ryde. He was educated by the Sisters of Mercy, then the Patrician Brothers at Holy Cross College, Ryde, finishing in 1972.
He then studied for the priesthood at St Columba's College, Springwood and at St Patrick's College Manly. He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Sydney on 1 September 1979. His first appointment was Parramatta, then Toongabbie. In 1984 he was appointed the Director of Vocations, a role he fulfilled until 1989. He lived in the parish of Concord West. He joined the newly formed Diocese of Parramatta in 1986.
In 1990 he was sent to Rome to study Canon Law. When he returned in 1992 he was appointed to the Regional Tribunal of Sydney (NSW and ACT). In 2012 he was appointed Judicial Vicar of the Tribunal, a position he held until 2017. He continues to serve as a Judge on the Tribunal.
He was appointed Parish Priest of Guildford on 1 June 2010.
Baptisms at St Patrick's Parish Guildford are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 11:15am or during any Sunday Mass to be negotiated with the Parish Priest.
Baptism preparation is held on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Parish Office. Booklets need to be obtained prior to the preparation. Please ring or email the Parish Office to enquire about baptisms at St Patricks Guildford.
Sacramental Preparation for Children
A Church requirement is that children receive the Sacrament of Penance before they complete their initiation into our Catholic Community through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Children attending St Patrick's Primary School are prepared in the classroom in conjunction with the preparation that takes place at home.
The children attending our local State Schools are prepared by our Parish Catechetical Team in conjunction with the preparation that takes place at home. For more information please email the Parish Office.
To enquire about weddings at St Patrick's Guildford please ring or email the Parish Office.
Ministries & Groups
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body in co-operation with the pastor, it aims to develop, implement and improve parish initiatives to help parishioners' continuing efforts to live as effective Christians in society, as faithful disciples of Jesus - to continue his mission of love and service in our world today.
Members of the Parish Council meet bi-monthly on a Wednesday evening (6pm - 8pm) in the Parish Office.
Ministry Of The Acolyte
The Acolyte is initiated to serve at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon. In particular it is his responsibility to prepare the altar and the sacred vessels and if necessary, as an extraordinary minister, to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful. Ministeria Quaedam (Paul VI) January 1973.
If you are interested in knowing more about the Ministry of the Acoloyte please email the Parish Office.
Parish Outreach to the Elderly and Sick
Some parishioners, through no fault of their own, can no longer attend Mass. Please ring or email the Parish Office and notify of anyone you know has requested to receive Holy Communion because of their inability to participate in our Sunday Mass. The Parish Office will arrange for an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to visit the person either on a Sunday or a weekday. In doing so, parishioners are kept within the reach of the parish and, should the occasion arise, arrange for them the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
The Manning Foundation
The Manning Foundation is the parish's outreach to the poor and needy in our local community. Central to success of the Manning Foundation is the work of the planning and organisational committee and home visitations to those seeking the assistance of the Foundation.
The Parish invites young and middle aged men and women (minimum age 18) to assist the home visitation work of this parish ministry. If you would like to become involved in the visitation work, or any other aspect of the Foundation please email the parish office.
The work of the Manning Foundation is supported by the parish community. Each parishioner is invited to support the work of the Foundation to put into practice our Gospel values of prayer, moral and financial support.
Outreach to the poor and needy is a direct expression of sharing in the mission of Jesus. The Manning Foundation is one means by which the Parish Community at St Patrick's can assist the support of those in need.
Committee Members meet 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00pm in the Parish Office.
Contact Mobile Number for the Manning Foundation: 0497 973 311.
Music for Worship
The Music for Worship group consists of people who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of our Sacred Liturgy. All are welcome to join this group as we work together to enhance our Sunday Liturgical celebrations. Please email the Parish Office.
Our Lectors, Proclaimers of the Word, play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word as proclaimers of God's Word.
If you would like to undergo formation in the proclamation of the Word and become involved in this parish ministry please email the Parish Office.
Rite of Christian Initiation - Adults (R.C.I.A)
Jesus has asked all of us to go and tell the Good News, to spread the Gospel. If you know anyone who has expressed an interest in learning more about our faith and has been considering joining the Catholic Church, this spiritual journey may be the right time for him or her. Anyone interested in learning more may ring the Parish Office and a member of the R.C.I.A. team will contact them.
There is also an introductory pamphlet about the R.C.I.A. available from the parish office that can be given to any prospective candidate.
The Altar Society and Floral Decoration
The Altar Society is a group of parishioners who have volunteered to help with the upkeep of our beautiful church. We have a great number of people, men and women, who are rostered once every five weeks to make our church a more prayerful place by keeping it clean. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in joining this group.
Floral decoration of the Church is another beautiful way of sharing your God given talents. We are in great need of people who have this talent to offer their services. If you are interested in being part of this service group please email the Parish Office.
St Patrick's Clovers Youth Group
St Patrick's Clovers Youth Group is a youth group catering to students in high school from years 7-12. The youth group takes place on a fortnightly basis following the Sunday 10am Family Mass, where we focus on a different topic each meeting.
Children's Liturgy
Children of St Patrick's Parish (Kindergarten to Year Six) gather on the First and Third Sunday of each month, during the 10.00 am Mass, to participate in Children's Liturgy. These liturgies for children are not held during the school holidays or when otherwise advised.
The Legion Of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a way for us to work for God's Kingdom. The Legion performs a necessary and exemplary witness to the Gospel and the Church by visiting people, speaking about God. We are inspired by Mary, Mother of Jesus, and (as Pope Paul VI entitled her) Mother of the Church.
As members of the Legion of Mary we bring Christ to the lonely, the sick, the sorrowful and anyone in our parish who would like us to visit them, whether they are catholic or not. Please join us in this wonderful work. Meetings are held every Wednesday (after the 9:15am Mass) in the Parish Office. Anyone who would like the Legion to call on them please email the Parish.
The Sacred Heart Society
The Sacred Heart Society is a group of men and women devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We meet at 8am Mass on the first Sunday of the month. They pray together the Litany of the Sacred Heart at the end of Mass. You are most welcome to join them.
At St Patrick's Guildford we currently have a wonderful group of sixteen catechists who teach in our two state schools - Guildford and Guildford West Primary.
Their ministry is to instruct children from Kindergarten to Year Six, for half an hour, once a week in Religious Education. This provides a wonderful opportunity for children who would not normally hear of Jesus through the Word of God. Each catechist is given a manual with lessons outlined for them to follow. This is an enriching experience for all involved.
You can also be involved by being a catechist helper in the classroom or prayer partner. If you would like to find out more please email the Parish Office.
St Patrick's Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens group meet every Monday from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
First Monday of the month: activities such as carpet bowls, table tennis, hoy and cards. As well, we bring a plate to enjoy lunch together.
Second Monday of the month: Bingo
Third Monday of the month: monthly meeting and bingo.
Fourth Monday of the month: bus trip
Once a year we have a week away.
We are open to all denominations, the membership of cost is $15.00. April and Christmas lunch and entertainment is at no cost.
Ministry of Hospitality
A Cuppa in the hall held every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month after the 10.00am Mass enables opportunities for parishioners to meet visitors and one another and strengthens our parish life here at St Patricks.
Morning tea on the first Sunday has been combined with work on the community garden - an initiative of the Social Justice Group in response to Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si'.
Parish Events
Parish Profile & History
St Patrick's Parish is the centre of the spiritual, pastoral and sacramental life for the local Catholic community of Guildford in Western Sydney.
Guildford, located in the Cumberland City Council area, is home to more than 4,000 Catholics. The Parish also enjoys strong ties with the wider Guildford community providing the presence of Christ for all in the local area.
Guildford is blessed with a rich and wide cultural diversity - of the 11,000 people who live in the suburb, 4,000 are of Lebanese heritage, while thousands more hail from backgrounds as diverse as Chinese, Croatian, English, Filipino, German, Indian, Irish, Italian, Maltese, New Zealand, Scottish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
The diversity of the suburb is reflected within the congregation of St Patrick's Parish.
The Parish is also home to at least six Eastern Catholic Churches: Maronite, Melkite, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara, Armenian and Chaldean.
St Patrick's Parish Guildford is part of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta which was established in 1986. Within the Diocese of Parramatta the Guildford Parish belongs to the Eastern Deanery. The Diocese of Parramatta is home to around 333,000 Catholics it is one of the fastest growing areas of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Our History
In 1909 it was announced that the Guildford Catholics had decided to build a church. The building was blessed by Bishop Kelly on 2 April 1910 and dedicated to St Patrick. Prior to this, Catholics of the Guildford area had to travel by horse and buggy, sulky, or foot to the parish of Holy Trinity, Granville, which had been established in 1882.
In 1933, following official recognition of boundaries between Granville and Guildford, the Parish of St Patrick's Guildford was established. Father Thomas Harrington, a former curate of Holy Trinity Granville, was appointed Parish Priest. A new church was blessed and opened on 8 August 1935. A new sacristy and sanctuary were added in 1979. Subsequent years have seen St Patrick's Church facilities adapted to enable easier access for all parishioners.
A small church/school, St Paul's, was opened at Villawood in 1954 and became a station church to Guildford until 1986 when the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta was established. St Paul's remained in Sydney Archdiocese and became part of Villawood Parish.
The Sisters of St. Joseph were in Guildford Parish from 1910 until 2008. They took up residence and began teaching the children of Guildford in 1910. The school building was used as a church on Sundays and their first convent was a rented cottage in Guildford Road. Over the years, the Sisters of St. Joseph remained a presence in Guildford, being involved wherever possible in parish events.
In 1977, St Patrick's Primary School was completed and blessed. Basketball and tennis courts were added in 1995. Completion of the extensions to the school and the blessing took place in December 2000. In 2010 the tennis courts made way for a School Hall built as part of the Labor Government's Building Education Revolution.
Priests and Administrators
Timeline of Parish Priests and Administrators:
Rev Thomas Harrington 1933-1953
Rev Andrew Joseph Hickey 1954-1961
Rev Kevin Hay (Administrator) 1961
Rev Solomon 1961-1966
Rev Denis Ryan 1966-1967
Rev Thomas Berkery 1967-1975
Rev Louis Breslan 1975 - 2009
Rev Alan Layt (Administrator) 2008 - 2010
Rev Peter Blayney 2010 - present
The Sisters of St Joseph moved into the Granville Parish in the late eighteen hundreds. Decisions were made that extended their work into the Guildford area. So it was, in 1910 the Sisters of St Joseph took up residence and began teaching the Catholic children of Guildford. St Patrick's Primary School has been offering Catholic education in the parish of Guildford for over 100 years.
Saint Patrick's School is now a well-equipped primary school with more than 580 students, offering quality education and religious programs to girls and boys from Kindergarten to Year Six.
All of the activities undertaken by the school are underpinned by a set of strong values that are designed to ensure improved learning for all students and to create a culture of continuous learning, happiness and harmony.
Religious and Pastoral Programs
St Patrick's Parish Guildford and St Patrick's Primary School work closely together to provide children with many opportunities to experience God's love and to nurture their faith in prayer, celebration, sacrament and community.
Mutual respect and support between teachers, students, parents, parish and the wider community are at the core of the school's Student Management policy.
School rules are firm but fair. A reward system encourages children to strive towards excellence in behaviour and in practicing the values endorsed by the school community.
Community and Parent Involvement
As a learning community, St Patrick's Primary School values parents of students both as partners and as key stakeholders in the education of their children. Parents are encouraged to take a keen interest in their children's education and are always welcome in the school.