This is an opportunity for parishioners to learn about and make a contribution to the Draft Diocesan Plan which emerged from last year’s Synod. The Think Tank session will be held on Sunday, 23 June 2024, 11:30am–1:00pm, in the Parish Hall. Interested parishioners may notify the priests, Sister Helen or Jo Cartwright in the Parish Office of their intention to attend. There is some reading material to be distributed prior to the Sunday session. There are multiple resources available from the Diocese which the parish can easily make available to you. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council, the Legion of Mary, Manning Foundation, Liturgical Ministers, Catechists, Primary School Staff and others are especially invited to take part.
All parishioners are invited to attend.
~ Fr. Peter Blayney
Please download a copy of the draft document to read prior to the Think Tank Session. An Audio Version/Podcast is also available for download.
The Diocesan website has a variety of resources. All our resources can be found here is