The opportunity is now available for parishioners and visitors to donate to St. Patrick’s Parish using a credit or debit card. The majority of parishes in the Diocese now have this facility. Following advice from both the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee to install this new donation point, it will be available for use at the weekend Masses, at least initially. The donation is pre-programmed for $5.00 per tap of the card over the tap symbol. If you wish to donate more than $5.00, tap again. It takes a few seconds to record your donation. The Diocese’s encouragement to use this facility is a response to the trend where most people carry little if any cash these days. Also, in these COVID-19 safe times, there is no handling of cash. The donation point does not take the place of the First and Second collections or the weekly envelope offerings which will, until COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, still be in the bowls placed on the organ at the front of the Church. St. Patrick’s is very grateful for your donations, however you wish to make them. ~ Fr. Peter Blayney