The Well is the latest initiative from the Parramatta Diocesan Ministries and Agencies which
responds to the growing need for a strong Catholic presence online. Through our work with our youth, with our parishes and our councils, we have understood the importance of offering a relevant and engaging online space, and what is being offered seeks to support and complement the work of our faith communities, as we work together to share and grow our faith in Jesus Christ.
The Well is an online sharing platform contains videos, podcasts and other spiritual resources to support our communities to grow and engage in their faith.
The Well is a ‘living library’ of many resources we create at the Diocese, as well from other
relevant liturgical sources. Our hope is that it will be another way that people can connect with
our Church. Our desire is for the content to both feature local communities as well as relate to the
needs of our local people.
View a short video promoting The Well resource